Ron Paul says Supreme Court has ‘utterly abused’ Commerce Clause but hopes it...
Last week the Supreme Court heard arguments concerning the constitutionality of the Obamacare law, focusing on the mandate requiring every American to buy health insurance or pay fines enforced by the...
View Article‘Fund your own party!’ Ron Paul blasts Democrats and GOP for spending $136...
In his most recent Straight Talk, Rep. Paul described spending "a total of $136 million in taxpayer funds for strictly partisan activities" as disgraceful. "Parties should fund their own parties, not...
View ArticleRon Paul makes watchdog group’s list of ‘most corrupt members of Congress’
Ron Paul, a longtime champion of government accountability, was named one of the most corrupt members of congress by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics, a Washington watchdog organization.
View ArticleRon Paul: Fiscal cliff deal was ‘dishonest and unconstitutional’
Texas on the Potomac is pleased to share guest commentary from across the political spectrum. Today, we share Ron Paul’s first “Texas Straight Talk” column since leaving Congress last Thursday. Last...
View ArticleRon Paul to launch daily radio commentaries in March
Libertarian leader Ron Paul may no longer be a Texas congressman, but his voice is still being heard on the issues. In fact, it will soon be heard coast to coast. Paul announced his plans this week to...
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